🧠 brain πŸ—‘οΈ dumps by ajfriesen

Scattered thoughts and snippets which are not worth a blog posts.

Every rejection is just a test if you want something.


The most valuable real estate in the world is the graveyard. There lie millions of half-written books, ideas never launched, and talents never developed. Most people die with everything still inside of them.

The way to live is to create. Die empty. Get every idea out of your head and into reality.


No ideas? Writer's block? Read more!

Too many ideas? Overwhelmed? Write more!


Cats don't have to work hard to be cats. But humans need to work really hard to be humans.


We are not trying to create the best content. We just want to create consistently. Ideally something which is interesting to us.


We have this notion of: Only experts can teach.

People don't teach because they are experts. We perceive them as experts because they teach.


I just learned that there are humans in this earth that do not hear an inner voice in their head when thinking! 🀯😯

Want to meet someone like this and try to understand the difference in experience.

Learned that this is a thing some time ago. Aphantasia is the inability to create mental imagery.

Imagine all those fantasy books describing landscapes, monsters and whatnot. Those people can not imagine it 😯🀯😳

The thing you are avoiding is most likely the thing you should be working on.


Sometimes I want something. I usually research a ton and then I β€œneed” an expensive thing. It's not even funny how much I research.

But, I do not buy immediately. I just schedule a task or event in my calendar a few weeks ahead.

If that day arrives and I still have the urge I will buy the thing.

Mostly I forgot about the thing and I don't buy. Less stuff and saved up some money.